Ph: 02 6362 8612
Dr David J. Watkins B.D.S
89 Byng Street Orange NSW 2800
Watkins Dental Practice is a long established family dental practice with over 40 years of experience. We have been working with families across multiple generations over this time. Watkins Dental provides quality, friendly and kind family dental care with long term well trained staff that provide familiar faces. Watkins Dental also has a Dental Hygienist who has been a part of the practice since 2011, providing integrated dental health care. Our Hygienist works with patients to help improve or maintain their general gum health.
We are a QIP –Accredited Dental Practice. Quality in Practice (QIP) is an independent and internationally recognised evaluation process used to assess the quality of care and services in a dental setting. It’s an on-going process that is regularly assessed to ensure compliance. It recognises our commitment to providing the highest standard of treatment and care as required by NSQHS (The National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards) and assures patients that our levels of infection control and sterilizing are compliant with all protocols. Watkins Dental is committed to safeguarding the privacy of patient’s information and has implemented measures to comply with Australian Privacy Principles and Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW).